
Hello, my peeps! I'm so sorry I haven't been writing at all lately, I've been so busy with so much, and it has been stopping me from writing as much as I used to. But, I promise that I will try as hard as I can to write more. I won't stop writing, trust me! I started writing a little bit of chapter 7 in "MRS. WICK." I will come up with a day and a time that it will be published. If you have any recommendations, feedback, and or requests, let me know and I will get back to you when I can!! Love y'all!
          	-Sincerely, Leahislove ♡


hi tori, its evie. i wanted to come here and check on you, i know we're not together anymore but i really hope and pray to god that youre okay bc you havent said a thing on here since september last year, i care about you a lot even as your ex gf and i want to know that youre okay. i hope the break up didnt effect you mentally, bc thats not what i wanted. i sent an inbox to you a couple months ago asking if we could stay friends but inboxes got taken away and i never got a reply. so, would you like to still be friends?
          i hope you will reply and we can still be friends, but its okay if the answer is no.
          - evie


Hello, my peeps! I'm so sorry I haven't been writing at all lately, I've been so busy with so much, and it has been stopping me from writing as much as I used to. But, I promise that I will try as hard as I can to write more. I won't stop writing, trust me! I started writing a little bit of chapter 7 in "MRS. WICK." I will come up with a day and a time that it will be published. If you have any recommendations, feedback, and or requests, let me know and I will get back to you when I can!! Love y'all!
          -Sincerely, Leahislove ♡


I just posted chapter 6 to "MRS. WICK." it doesn't have a whole lot of action like I wanted, but it's whatever. Hopefully I get more motivation to make chapter 7 and or 8 filled with action. Hope you all are enjoying it! Love you guys!
          -Sincerely, Leahislove


I have depressing music stuck in my head and I am fighting the urge to cry cuz I'm afraid of losing her and I just want to cry everything out but i can't-


@dudeitsevie_ ok..thank you, love <3


@Leahislove you aint losing me for nothing, but if push does ever come to shove, remember i will always love you. <3


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Oh. My. Fucking. Goodness. I finally posted chapter 5 of "MRS. WICK." it's a bit shorter than what I wanted it to be, but I ran out of ideas. I want chapter 6 to be full of action and shit, so yeah. Hope you all enjoy it! Love you guys!
          -Sincerely, Leahislove <3


I think I have a date set for when chapter 5 of "MRS. WICK" will be published! we'll, the exact day isn't set, but it will be anywhere between July 26-29. I'm still working on it, and I'm thinking about what else could happen in that chapter since it will be kinda long. I have an idea on what's happening in it, but I want more to happen kinda so yeah. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far! If you have any feesback/recommendations let me know! Love you guys!
          -Sincerely, Leahislove <3


@dudeitsevie_  I'm glad you're excited!!!!




brooooo I have feelings for someone and idk if I should tell them if I like them or not lmao- 


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okay so im still working on chapter 5 of "MRS. WICK" and bro it so kinds concerning how I can write sputtered shit in detail like omg lmao-


@dudeitsevie_ I'm excited to publish the 5th chapter! You will actually be mentioned in this book, but you will have a HUGE role in the second book!


@Leahislove like ydk how many times ive checked just to see if chapter 5 is out yet and i cannot wait to be in this book or the next one !!


@dudeitsevie_ I'm glad ur you're excited!!!


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I'm in so much pain rn. I'm so fucking numb, I can't cry rn. My mom is telling me all of this shit, and she's getting to my head. I'm sensitive, and she is calling me a baby and all this stuff. I have to "start acting my age, and stand up for myself." I understand the standing up for myself, because I am too kindhearted to put my foot down most of the time.  
          Then apparently I don't know how to cook the simplest things?? Apparently I don't know how to cook pancakes and Mac n' cheese :/ Oohh, and apparently I don't offer to do shit. yes I do, she just doesn't accept my offer. "Hey, I can fold and put away the laundry." (my laundry, HER laundry, AND her fiancèe's laundry. btw the basket is ALWAYS FULL, but idc I wanna help my mother) "No, it's ok. i can do it," or "We could do it together tomorrow." She always says it so kindly, too. She is saying all of this shit and so much more. It hurts...Idk how much more I can take....


@Leahislove just hold on, parents are like that, it's just like their manners. fyi i can only make tea


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@coldasice89 ig ur right. but Like she lies about myself when I know myself better than her. i do know how to cook, she just doesn't wanna accept it or some shit