this message may be offensive
I'm in so much pain rn. I'm so fucking numb, I can't cry rn. My mom is telling me all of this shit, and she's getting to my head. I'm sensitive, and she is calling me a baby and all this stuff. I have to "start acting my age, and stand up for myself." I understand the standing up for myself, because I am too kindhearted to put my foot down most of the time.
Then apparently I don't know how to cook the simplest things?? Apparently I don't know how to cook pancakes and Mac n' cheese :/ Oohh, and apparently I don't offer to do shit. yes I do, she just doesn't accept my offer. "Hey, I can fold and put away the laundry." (my laundry, HER laundry, AND her fiancèe's laundry. btw the basket is ALWAYS FULL, but idc I wanna help my mother) "No, it's ok. i can do it," or "We could do it together tomorrow." She always says it so kindly, too. She is saying all of this shit and so much more. It hurts...Idk how much more I can take....