Story Writer's Announcement: Hi so uh- to the people from Pinterest/Discord or who ever is friends with a guy named Ryota- please do not assume me as him. I'm his cousin and I barely know any of you. I barely use this account of his since I use it to create stories and barely have time to create new chapters or update the stories. please tell me if you are a friend of Ryota, from Pin/Disc/TT/IG/FB/Twitter/Snap/Messenger/ etc. then tell me your name. For example;
"Hi! I'm a friend of Ryota from Discord/Pinterest/Tiktok/etc, My name's ________"
Thank you.
Account Owner's Announcement: Hi, Ryota Here, I just want to remind that I don't create stories here, I just Read FANFICS and talk to friends from other medias, I recommend doing the example shown above before freely talking to me. I'm not okay with the fact my cousin comes up to me and asks who ??? Is. I don't like being interrupted while Reading. Thank you for understanding.
Third User: heya! Kei here, I'm Ryota's Bestfriend, like he said I recommend using the Example that was shown above his Announcement,like he said he does not like being interrupted while Reading, with him being interrupted there's no chance he'll be calm, especially when he's reading or busy. Thanks for reading this.