
Sorry if I bothered you with all of those notifications! I was just testing whether or not you can undo completing a story or not.
          	Sorry again!


I literally just looked at your description and I realized you forgot to talk about me your best friend. Why you no mention me?


@GirlSkyDoesMinecraft Okay! I'm proofreading several parts today, so they'll be posted soon!


I'm basically  your sister in  real life so ye.


@GirlSkyDoesMinecraft Sorry the message thing is not showing up every time I post! If this is like your BIZZILIONTH message, sorry! I'm trying to get it to work!
            DANG YOU COMPUTER WORK FOR ONCE!!!!!!!!!!!!


(Continued from previous post.) I played "I Will Always Love You" to him on the piano, which he loved me to play for him. He always loved me to scratch him on his itchy spot, so I did that as he kissed my cheek. Sadly, there are a couple of things he loved that I can't bring myself to do anymore: 1) He loved peanut butter, so I won't eat that anymore, and 2) Max listened to me sing in the house, so I can't sing in the house anymore. So, I will miss him dearly.
          My buddy may be gone, but I still remember him. He will remain in my heart forever.
          My dad got a biodegradable urn to put his ashes in so that when I bury them, a flower grows. We also have a clay paw-print that the vet gave us (It's huge! She had him step onto clay to make it.)
          As you can probably see, I need a lot of support to keep writing. His loss is going to hurt for a long time, but I know I can get through this with a little help. Please comment below! It'll make me feel 1000x better. Maybe it'll even make me smile. :) Please comment!


It's okay. Not everybody has a dog, or a dog that hasn't passed away yet. Thanks for commenting! :)


@LeavenGreenleaf oh im so sorry, i cant even relate so im not going to try... Im so so sorry :(


Hi guys....My dog, Max, was put to sleep this morning. It's been hard- I forget he's not coming to greet me at the door, smiling and tail wagging, every time I walk into the house. Sometimes I think I hear his panting in the house, but I look and look, and he's not there. I'm going to need a lot of support if I'm to continue writing any time soon....
          He was born around August 1rst, 2005. We got him from a dog rescue group. Max (I named him that. *depressed sigh*), a chocolate lab, was thrown out of a car window in a bag with his sister while the couple that owned him was driving on the highway. He hit his head (That's why we blamed his inability to learn tricks on his scrambled brain.). I was watching The Grinch the night we got him, sometime in the first week of October, and that's why I named him Max after demanding to adopt him and having my request granted. He was a good dog. We nicknamed him "Shadow" because he shadowed, or followed, my mom around the house (and me, of course). Max was very playful, and absolutely LOVED walks. He jumped up and down whenever we said the magic word, "Walk!" around him. Max got fat because of my grandmother feeding him too much food and too many treats :P. I didn't care. He was my dog, and I loved him no matter what. One day, Max got tumors on his sides and throat. He went into surgery to get them removed, and survived. That was about 3 or 4 years ago. But, they came back. We got him looked at, but the vet said they grew out, not in, and were not harmful. Thus, we took him home, celebrated, and called him "Lumpy" because of the goiters forming lumps on his side. Eventually, age caught up with him. We did 2 video tributes to him, one 2 years ago, and one 1 year ago. I watched them this morning as my dad took him to the vet, and they made me cry. :( He started crying ever time he got up, so we decided to take him in. The vet said it was time, so she put him to sleep. I got to say goodbye to my baby this morning. It was very sad.


Wow. I got the funniest comment from my friend the other day. She said, "If you commit suicide, I'll march down to Hades, kick him in the balls, and say, 'Send her right up!'" And if she encounters my boyfriend on her way to Hades, who will probably have committed suicide by then because of my death, she said she'll trip him on the way down.
          I love my friends.