@ILuvMyNephew Ive seen i do i do (i think.. If its about a pastry chef then yes) and Bap is not my favorite but thanks! I think Ive seen and heard everything...the tradegy :D
@Leavinglili "I do I do" isn't about a pastry chef but if u go watch it then I assure you, you won't be disappointed.. And lol it is a tradgedy if you've already saw and heard everything =)
@ILuvMyNephew Ive seen i do i do (i think.. If its about a pastry chef then yes) and Bap is not my favorite but thanks! I think Ive seen and heard everything...the tradegy :D
@ILuvMyNephew Daebak finally someone who can relate. It is kyoto and I've already seen coffee prince it was so great I was kind of afraid to watch that one because the main actress in it disappointed me in another show she did but I was impressed!!!