
Hey everyone! Nikki here. Just wanted to let you all know about a few projects I have been working on lately. I have two new short stories/ novels I have been writing recently. One is as of now a short story called nothing like us. and if it gets enough support I may develop it more. That again is a romantic story and the preview is already published so go check it out!!! Also I have been writing another short story, slightly different then what I normally write. It is a story more realistic and with a deeper meaning. A preview is soon to come. I will release dates for more updates soon. I will be updating 'Can we be forever?' So stay tuned and vote and comment please!!! thanks Love you all xxx


@LeavingxStarlight Hey girlie. I know I have been away for a while and I really do apologize things have just been very hectic and stressful. but I promise I'm back now and I will have more coming your way soon


@LeavingxStarlight Excuse me m'mam, but where have you been?  I have missed you tons and want more of your excellent writing.


Hey everyone! Nikki here. Just wanted to let you all know about a few projects I have been working on lately. I have two new short stories/ novels I have been writing recently. One is as of now a short story called nothing like us. and if it gets enough support I may develop it more. That again is a romantic story and the preview is already published so go check it out!!! Also I have been writing another short story, slightly different then what I normally write. It is a story more realistic and with a deeper meaning. A preview is soon to come. I will release dates for more updates soon. I will be updating 'Can we be forever?' So stay tuned and vote and comment please!!! thanks Love you all xxx


@LeavingxStarlight Hey girlie. I know I have been away for a while and I really do apologize things have just been very hectic and stressful. but I promise I'm back now and I will have more coming your way soon


@LeavingxStarlight Excuse me m'mam, but where have you been?  I have missed you tons and want more of your excellent writing.


Hey everyone, just uploaded a new chapter of Can We Be Forever? hope you all enjoy it. and also why dont you check out my friend DrippingxSarcasm. she is an AMAZING writer and her two stories are great. So go! Now! Do it! hahaha love you all, byezzzzzzz-Nicole


So to all my followers and those reading my story. Sorry for the long wait on the next chapter, but i have gone through a rough break up. and writing about love was a little hard when my heart was broke. but it will be posted soon
          Thanks for your patience