
Celebration time!!! Knocker has ranked #525 out of 8.5K in Psychological!!!
          	On another note, I've just joined Peep.is, a site similar to Wattpad where you can create and read characters. My name is LauraGuilbault if you want to check me out. I've already written 2 chapters with a brand new character :)


Thank you! Peep.is I’m not too sure about. It doesn’t seem particularly busy, so I think I’ll shy away from it.


@Leclaire02 I'm a month late but congrats on reach #525!! =D
          	  I've had a look at Peep.is as well. What are your impressions so far? (You can MP me if you want.)


Celebration time!!! Knocker has ranked #525 out of 8.5K in Psychological!!!
          On another note, I've just joined Peep.is, a site similar to Wattpad where you can create and read characters. My name is LauraGuilbault if you want to check me out. I've already written 2 chapters with a brand new character :)


Thank you! Peep.is I’m not too sure about. It doesn’t seem particularly busy, so I think I’ll shy away from it.


@Leclaire02 I'm a month late but congrats on reach #525!! =D
            I've had a look at Peep.is as well. What are your impressions so far? (You can MP me if you want.)


Hello followers! I just wanted to let you all know that I've written my first novel, called Carnival Lights, and it'll be published on Amazon in three days (January 30th, 2018). Hope you'll check it out :) I'm also on Goodreads and Facebook if you'd like to follow me there. https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15399681.Laura_Guilbault
          Have a nice day :)


Sorry about the messed up cover :) for Knocker. 
          I know it's not the Stephen King style you were probably looking for, but I'm not very good at creepy :). 
          I hope you still like it! 


@Stephanie_Avery It's true it wasn't what I was thinking, but nevertheless I still love it! You are so talented!