do people still follow this account? i don't even use wattpad anymore. anyways, write me a poem about anxiety please. it's for a.. CONTEST! prizes: my gratitude my appreciation a thank you that's just about it

@Lee-chan365 Thanks.The thought has crossed my mind but I never really considered it.

@xX0Michu0Xx thank you, this is so well written. have you ever considered making a book just for your poems?

Heart: Racing Sweat: Dripping Heat: Rising Breathing: Accelerating Hotel: Trivagi Lol jk Um What does anxiety feel like? Why does it feel like this It's simple Anxiety is the pure act of your body betraying you In different shapes and forms Because betrayal never comes in the same package You're hurt and you can't stop You want to stop But your body says no No No No "Feel the burn Suffer I won't stop Not until you've learned you're lesson" What lesson though? I don't know It's different each time Maybe, I shouldn't have walked into that school Maybe, I should've just stayed wrapped in my blanket Maybe, I shouldn't have said hi to that person Maybe, I should've stayed lonely forever Maybe Maybe The list goes on But that's for me Maybe not the same for you So back to the beginning Anxiety Heart burning Sweat dripping Heat Rising Breathing Accelerating No stop Just shake like a broken machine Because you are a broken machine Don't stop Until finally The traitor decides: Ok, we'll leave you alone this time Ehh? Eehhhh? : D