
@elimancohannah Hahahaha! Sleep well, sleep tight and dream sweetly! XD Have a comfortable dream! (;
          	Always take care and keep safe. (:
          	 Hugs! (((H)))
          	Lee. :-)


I feel depressed.
          I ran out of skittles yesterday.
          I haven't had a single one.
          I've been eating M&MS in place.
          It's just not the same.
          Thanks for following, I guess.
          Sorry if I sound depressed and gloomy, because I am suffering from withdrawal of magical bits of rainbows from heaven.


@theskittleschick  Hahahaha. <3 I also love Skittles. But I'm sad to say that I live M&Ms more. ): Anyways, thanks for this message. (: I hope we could be good friends. ^^
            Plus: I hope you would have your magical bits soon and have a magical time! XD
            Also: I would send you a pack of them if you want. (: Hahaha. I'm not fond of them at the moment 'cuz I ate so many last time. XD
            And: Take care always and have fun! (;
            Hugs! (H)


Hey! I just wanted to pop by and give you a massive Thank You for following me and voting on my story, "Challenge Accepted"! 
          Also, welcome to the wonderful world of Wattpad! Stories galore await you, and it's a great platform to get your work out there and read by others. Hope your time here is really awesome!


Bwahahaha. (:< knew you would say that. :P Hehehehe. ^^


I'm so glad you liked it :D And don't worry, I will take care :P


Thanks for popping by! :D I really liked that story. (:
            Also, thanks for welcoming me. (: It really means a lot.
            Always take care and keep safe! (: Thanks again!