Oh my god, is this a fever dream??
SO MUCH HAPPENED AT THAT CONCERT IN COPENHAGEN THAT I STILL HAVE NOT PROCESSED IT ALL. WDYM I SAW ATEEZ LIVE, BEING RIGHT IN FRONT OF MEKSJSJJS and oh my god they all signed my album and Wooyoung even did it twice- istg the face he made when we held eyecontact and he suddenly realised he'd just signed that one album TT kskskskdjdj I'm dying it's actually so hilarious
AND HELLO YUNGI-??!?! I swear when I saw Mingi kneel in front of him I screamed my lungs ooouttt (well, that I did through the entire concert - to the point that my phone's speaker couldn't play normal sounds for several hours after the concert lmaoo. May have deafened my besties as well ahahah)
It was soo much fun to hear them try to speak a few sentences in danish. Honestly, they did really well hahah
Oh my god I love them so much they all did absolutely AMAZING like they ALWAYS do, but the level of performance for this tour is just so insane!! What a masterpiece, and I'm sooo proud of them<33