@LegendThaInkling according to Google, args are game that are designed to combine real life and digital gameplay. I'll list some examples of ARGs I like. In the Gilbert Garfield arg, players had to search through different Twitter accounts to find out what is with the shady company that created the Gilbert Garfield show. In the Muse arg, similar to the Gilbert Garfield ARG, players had to search through various other YouTube channels, even other sites to find out what this muse thing is and why it was controlling these youtubers. Finally, in the Halo/ILoveBees ARG, players had to go to sespific payphones at sespific times to find out the story of what is happening to a beekeeper web page that was seemingly hacked by an AI. I'm sorry if my examples and explainations were confusing, there are videos on YouTube that explain better on what ARG is