
A belated Merry Christmas or holidays and Happy new year to all of you!!! <3
          	I've been inactive for so long, will definitely try to catch up with y'all :3


How do you like gore with hemophobia? Is it just blood irl? Sorry to bother but it's a genuine question


@SextingViaOuija yeah seeing those kind of stuff irl is not pleasant. No problem at all, it's a nice feeling that people asks questions to clear things up :D


@LegendaryWarrior29 That makes sense, I figured it was something like that but still interesting. Sorry about you're fear of blood irl though. Now that I think about it I'm sure most people that enjoy gore aren't too happy to see blood/gore irl so I completely understand. Thank you for taking the time to answering my question. 


@SextingViaOuija it's okie, I'm actually glad you asked :D. tbh I don't really know. It seems like my mind knows if it's fake blood or not. My head starts to hurt and I start to panic only when I see real blood irl. Drawings, picture, videos etc. doesn't really affect me, but it depends on how worse it looks. I'm still questioning myself if I do have hemophobia or just a fear of blood :3