
I know it's been forever since I updated last, and I am so sorry! I've been busier, and I thought I was going to be able to update last weekend, but I ended up going out of town. To makeup for it, I was planning on doing it this weekend, but I've been spending time with my family. So hopefully I will have the next chapter up this weekend!


I know it's been forever since I updated last, and I am so sorry! I've been busier, and I thought I was going to be able to update last weekend, but I ended up going out of town. To makeup for it, I was planning on doing it this weekend, but I've been spending time with my family. So hopefully I will have the next chapter up this weekend!


          Lol I'm glad you enjoy the story (: I'll hopefully have another chapter up this weekend since I have a day off. And I can't wait for the next chapter of Super Heroes


haha, thanks xD Sorry if I came off as naggy or anything at all btw :P and good luck with the next one then :3 looking forward to it.


Poke :P this is definitely not me not-so-subtly begging you to continue my education in the world of horses >w> Willing to bribe you with cadbury eggs for more Promise & Me, since they are apparently life :) Hope all is well with you  ^U^


Thank you for the follow :) Can't wait for Promise & Me to update :P Are you still writing for it?


No problem (: I'm still going to be posting it, but I just didn't feel like waiting for the longest time. I am currently working on the next chapter and it should be up sometime tonight or tomorrow