Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! This is LegoRvB signing in.
Now, I know I haven't posted in a while. To be honest, it was a mixture of looking at what I was writing, figuring out how I want to update my stories, and uploading schedule, and just work. Plus a few things in my personal life.
I finally got back into wanting to write again, and figured out how I plan to do so in the future.
First, I plan on only uploading every couple of weeks cause I have a lot of things to do and can get stuck trying to perfect my chapters. Also time crunch when I just wanted to relax sucks.
Second, end a chapter where I feel it should end. I was stuck trying to elongate chapters so they have at least 2500 words at minimum. Figured it help me write professionally. It did not.
Third, I'm making a update schedule of which stories I will write so you can know what I will update next. Figured you might appreciate it.
Lastly, I am planning on getting a Patreon account. I haven't set one up yet because I am unsure whether I would get enough support to make writing as a actual job. I would like your guys opinion on the matter.
Thank you all for your patience. I will post what chapters I'm working on later today. Thank you all for your patience.
This is LegoRvB, signing out.