Can I request a oneshot/smut? My name is Calli *NickName is Kat* Eyecolor: Same as Cullen's Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde Who I want: My boil, Jazz ofc. What species? Vampire. Plot.... She's out hunting with Rosalie and they get ambushed by the newblood army, knowing they can't get away and both in one piece they surrender to them and they take Calli hostage as her abilities are Lighting and, what it creates she can control she can manipulate, Superspeed, and certain visions. The ambush let's Rosalie go and she tells everyone and Alice receives a vision, she has yet to find her mate. Skip to day of battle, Calli's been tortured and forced to teach the new bloods so they can fight, they drag her with them as she is to weak to escape so Bree offers to watch her while Riley helps Victoria and so she convinces Bree to let her go and help her, because hey are towards the side of the field and the first ones there they see the cullens, waiting. But they wait for the new blood army to attack. Gonna leave the rest up to you. Where I want to live: with the cullens of course! Who wouldn't. Smut ofc.