Hello friend, I'm assuming we met on a creepy pasta fan fiction, so if you wanna read the one I just posted, that would be wonderful!
With love, Darlingg ♡♡♡
@ -royalhighness- hi, sorry for not replying earlier i'm not the type of person to see messages sent to me.
Thank you so much for your message I loved it.
so I want to say that you are also very loved by many people and have a good night or day too, I hope you are well and don't forget to take care of yourself, kisses from Brazil ❤️
I'm sorry if something is written wrong, I don't speak English very well so I'm using the translator.
@ simp_saitama un abrazo para ti, disculpa la demora en responder no veo los mensajes que me envían
Lo siento si hay algo mal estoy usando el traductor no estoy seguro si todo está escrito correctamente.
un beso desde brasil para ti❤️