
@YuffieProductions Yeah, that part of the story was really sad D: Fillers are so awful. Sometimes I would force myself to watch them, telling myself that 'this is what a dedicated fan would do."
          	The only reason I was ever on the top rated list was because I wrote about the popular and cliche Quizilla trends. And it was only for a few days xD It's hard to write a vampire story that isn't overly cliche, especially for new writers! The blackbelt thing is funny. God forbid our protagonists be any less than godlike x].
          	Haha, materializing weapons is hysterical. I can just imagine Cleon when Xaan takes his sword- "Oh, don't worry Kairi I'll just materialize it back into my hands." But well we all start somewhere c:
          	I was never active in the Inkpop threads :o Too late now, huh :]


Thank you for the comment! I'm very honored you decided to give it a chance. ^__^ 
          Ahhh yeah, there are a ton of characters. I promise they'll all get distinguished in your head as you keep reading. At least, that's what people have told me. 


@TheLoneRainbow Haha, yeah, I did that for a while... Then I got so annoyed by them, I left and came back when the real episodes came. 
          ... TECHNICALLY Cleon and Kairi are gods... xD 
          Hahah, it was pretty cool, but completely unrealistic. Their eyes would glow green when they spoke to each other in their heads, but I just recently (like two weeks ago) got rid of that blunder. 
          I miss inkpop. ;__; though the forums were extremely distracting. I never got any writing done, but then again, the word war threads there were what helped me finish SuperHero. 


@YuffieProductions Yeah, that part of the story was really sad D: Fillers are so awful. Sometimes I would force myself to watch them, telling myself that 'this is what a dedicated fan would do."
          The only reason I was ever on the top rated list was because I wrote about the popular and cliche Quizilla trends. And it was only for a few days xD It's hard to write a vampire story that isn't overly cliche, especially for new writers! The blackbelt thing is funny. God forbid our protagonists be any less than godlike x].
          Haha, materializing weapons is hysterical. I can just imagine Cleon when Xaan takes his sword- "Oh, don't worry Kairi I'll just materialize it back into my hands." But well we all start somewhere c:
          I was never active in the Inkpop threads :o Too late now, huh :]


@TheLoneRainbow I fell in love with his character during that time after his battle with Gaara left him crippled and he needed that operation. 
          An episode comes out every week. There are several filler seasons mixed in, which are terribly painful, though, but there are still a ton of episodes you have to catch up on!
          I don't think I was there for the character pages. Yeeesh, that sounds creepy. Haha, I was never even close to the top rated. xD
          Hm. Boarding school, huh? I wrote vampire fiction before. It was a complete Twilight rip-off, on the girl was a black belt in karate and a vampire, and she falls in love with another black belt. She had a family of beautiful vampires who went to her school, and her brother was a ladykiller--literally. >___> Ugh. I still have it on my harddrive in case I need a good laugh. Or a slap in the face. 
          Actually, I'm pretty sure TGL was a Kingdom Hearts ripoff--it's first draft. I remember so many scenes I pictured in Kingdom Hearts style. xD Riku went to the darkside just like Joren *kinda* does. Sora and Kairi fall in love as Cleon and Kairi do. Originally, I gave them swords that materialize in their hands just like Sora can do with his keyblade. Hahahaha, it was ridiculous. How far the story has come since then!
          xD I liked Prince's Overture! Overture is the beginning of a piece of music, and it's like the beginning of the "Prince's" life. 
          Yeah, Stray is pretty good. I like that. It wasn't my idea, though. I posted a HELP ME COME UP WITH A TITLE thread on inkpop, and someone pitched the idea of a stray dog. :) 


@YuffieProductions Mmm, I hate Lee. Tsunade is pretty awesome though xD When given the time, it is really easy to just consecutively watch each episode. I'm a little scared to be up-to-date D: How long do you have to wait for an episode? I think like 1-2 weeks, right?
          Yes, the titles themselves are frightening. Wattpad has okay stories- I have a few favorites here :P Do you remember those character pages on Quizilla? "Rosie hates broccoli and loves all of her friends", with a picture of like, Elena from Vampire Diaries.  I think they're so hilarious x] Of course, you're right about the atmosphere. It's a good place to start for inexperienced or young writers. The people are very supportive and positive, and getting on the Top Rated list was extremely ego boosting.
          I remember my first real-ish story. It was about a vampire boarding school. . . yeah -.-
          Prince's Overture rofl XD That's a lot of titles. I'm sure you could have twisted the music theme to somehow connect with the story. Maybe. But The Guardian Legend is still a pretty good title. Sounds fantasy-like. Stray is also good for it's storyline, with Annie taking in her 'stalker' Darren. 


Yeah, you can tell he plays favorites with Naruto, Lee, and Gaara. All three I love, though, so that's cool, but the only formidable female is probably Tsunade. At least there's one. 
          Yay, you're almost done! :D That's exciting. then... NARUTO MARATHON! I did that a couple summers ago and caught up with like 100 episodes in a few days. it was awesome, but so sad when I actually had to wait for another episode. 
          xD I loved that one. Meyer is unintentionally hilarious. 
          UGHH Yes, I had a Quizilla... My friend told me it used to be fun and awesome, but then they redesigned the site and then sold it off. That place was horrendous.... I went to see it a couple weeks ago, and the top rated list was just appalling. Worse than the top stories here, I wager. Haha, I deleted my terrible stories so the world would never have to lay eyes upon their horror ever again.... Though that place was fun back then. :) It had a very encouraging atmosphere that I think is perfect for beginner writers. even though you don't improve a bit, I think praise early on is a good thing to keep one motivated to continue. 
          I dunno, the old title felt pointless. All the books were: Guardian's Rhapsody, Duet's Melody, Treachery's Symphony, and Prince's Overture. I mean, they do sound cool, but the musical motif really didn't have anything to do with the story and was misleading. But I really don't like The Guardian Legend, either. So boringgggg. xP I'm terrible with titles. SuperHero is the only one I'm proud of. 


@YuffieProductions Gah, tell me about it. I was waiting for Sakura to man up, but every time she had a moment, she would either burst into tears or fail. God. The author to that show is awful with his female characters. I'll eventually go back into it- the main reason I stopped was because school started. It's very hard to balance hours of anime in between my limited free time xD Thank God for only 2 more days of school.
          I just read some of her blogs! They're hilarious xD The one about how Bella literally revolves around Edward made me lol. Whoever wrote that is incredibly smart- she sarcastically points out every mistake in the text, which is like, perfect for me.
          O hyeah, I remember Yuffie being in there. Though I played awhile back. I remember that Kairi was my favorite character. You had a Quizilla account to? That website was so. . . I can't even explain it. I NEVER want to go back there and read those horrid stories I posted when I was 12-13. 
          Why made you change the title? The Guardian Rhapsody is catchy c: Though The Guardian Legend sounds a little bit more professional. And more series-like.


@TheLoneRainbow (cont.)
          When I first came up with Kairi's character in middle school, I didn't expect to write an actual novel about her. I was just derping around for fun in my head, so I used Kairi because I loved that name. When I was writing the first draft of TGL (Guardian's Rhapsody back then), I wasn't serious about it at all, so I used the name Kairi. Once I came on Inkpop, I got more serious, but the name Kairi had just stuck. 
          It does match the story a bit, because Kairi means ocean or sea or something, and at the end of the first book, Kairi will do som/ething related to the sea.