
Hi there. It's really been fun following both your stories.
          I have this crazy idea of a new AoT story for you to write if you're still in to it. If not then it's cool. Just want to send it your way and know what you think.
          Here's how it goes. Ymir Fritz after seeing everything that has happened right up to Eren's death and with the knowledge of all that has happened, decided to make her own destiny by being reborn as a teen within the walls with the intention of giving her people within the walls a better future. Starting by joining the 104th and bonding with them and maybe be a prodigy and becoming like a big sister or even a mother to most of them due to her leadership and skill.
          And with her powers which she would reveal eventually later on she would led her people in the war against Marley and save those whom she would come to call her true friends.
          Her rebirth can maybe be from the wall since it's made from Titan crystallization maybe she creates a new body from it for her to inhabit by manipulating part of it material.
          So how's this approach for a new AoT story?


If Taranee goes back to Marley the that'll suck. I hate Marley soo much. Its a real Nazi rip off. But I'll bear it and continue following the story.
          But if she goes back to Armin and etc got a little carried away and had a kid and her parents gets executed or turned to titans then I hope that whoever it was that did this ( probably the officer who accused them and sent her down this path ) she gets back at them. 
          And she does this when they visit Marley and she learned what has happened and without her friends knowledge she snuck away to where the bastards live and spiked their food or drinks with some plant seeds and used her new trick which caused plants to sprout and rupture from their gut, causing a terrifying and gruesome death to those Gestapo.




@Ian12091995 Hahahaha, okay, now that's an intereswting idea, I like. I can't tell you if it'll happen, though.