Merry Chrsitmas, everyone!
Hope you're all having a happy holiday, 'cause I sure am... kind of.
I wanted to take a quick moment to thank everyone who has supported me this past year in spite of my inactivity. Thank you for reading my books. And don't worry, that isn't me saying I'm gonna cancel or pause or anything because I'm not. Even if my following isn't really the biggest, know that I appreciate each and every single person who takes their time to at least take a brief gander at my work, whether you follow me or not. You make what I love to do feel worth it and precious, and keep me working, so I am truly grateful for all of you.
I also just wanted to let everyone know where I've been as of late. I'm on my last year of high school right now, which means college is just right around the corner, and school ain't giving me a break. But again, I am by no means canceling any books, but I can't promise any chapters too soon. But I do writ when I get the chance.
With that being said, since it is the Christmas season, I wanted to share a quick word with you all. I know a lot of you aren't religious, and you don't have to read this if you don't want to, nor am I asking you to believe in what I say, but I wanted to share it anyway.
Galatians 4:4-5 says:
"But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons."
My brothers and sisters in Christ, let's not forget the reason we celebrate this season. It's not about the presents under the tree or the decorations on the walls. It's the day our savior came into the world to make the ultimate sacrifice and redeem us from death. So rejoice, for the savior was born, and the savior died, and the savior rose again.
I wish you all a happy holiday and a blessed new year. Here's to an amazing 2024 .