
Can any experience writer here give me the synopsis on the rules on "Lemon" content? I know the gist of some of it but I want to be sure with how far I can go with it.
          	As for my normal readers, you saw nothing... 


@Gojoandsatoru alright that's reassuring as I don't like to put pictures in my fic much anyways. thanks


@Lemin_tine don't add any "freaky"picture and I think we are good 
          	  I guess


Sorry if I irritate you by repeating myself but I kind of Don't like leaving things unfinished when I get invested like how you watch a show only to find that the episodes are updated every week especially if the episode and the next one are split between two parts leaving off on a cliff hanger take your take I will just check with you every week that it is not updated until it is


Are you okay why are you not answering me it's been almost two weeks since you had replied to anything


@mergedzamasu33 Sorry, I just didn't check my wattpad that much this month.
            I've been really busy with my work but I'm completely fine. Don't worry. I'm still writing the reaction chapters and whatnot in the background it's just been a slow grind.