Reading Lists
Wait omg I'm so dumb. I have an Instagram purely for writing if anyone wants to follow me! It's LemonNuggety and I'd appreciate it so much thanks!
@LemonNugget Also, are you okay? Also, I enjoy your HP story. Also... *Hugs a crying Lemon!*
I'm loving reading your redo so far it's so entertaining and intriguing and captivating I like the care it's showing it also shows what a great writer you are to be able to put something out like redo even tho you said you promised your self you wouldn't Now I'm not far in to it but tbh I'm loving it so far
Are you trying to be a writer too? I've embarked on the journey of writing my first book and it can be so overwhelming, not just the writing but everything!
@LemonNugget I sadly haven't writes any books but I understand where your coming from
Hay-o this is my new account and my old one was sillverdeval123 and that's the reason are names are very similar if you where wandering
Wait omg I'm so dumb. I have an Instagram purely for writing if anyone wants to follow me! It's LemonNuggety and I'd appreciate it so much thanks!
@LemonNugget Also, are you okay? Also, I enjoy your HP story. Also... *Hugs a crying Lemon!*
IM CRYIIINNGGG....I can't get into my old account with my shitty works. I really want to revisit them and see how much I improved but I was a dumb ass then and didn't have a recovery email. Goodbye @nobodyimportant169 I will remember how emo you were , how shitty your fanfiction was, and how awesome your profile picture simply is.
Okay can someone explain why I find Bruno from Encanto so attractive? Other than the fact he's a socially awkward cutie pie with crackhead energy...But Ig we don't talk about Bruno...
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Today may spell the end of Redo....okay it's not that dramatic but i might put the last chapter for this year out today. I'll try to make it a good ending just in case I end up not going on to year two. Honestly cant believe I made it this fricken far, I'm so thankful.
@LemonNugget and what I mean by that is the last chap of the year in Hogwarts and ig this year too lol
Not another year going by without me even realizing it...
I mean I sort of realized, but also it's gone by so fast I'm like "woah, a year? Really?"
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