Aye bitches


I am (a)...

rude, salty, odd, unsocial, often angry or very calm, I'm hella afraid of vaginas (you're welcome for the info), very lovable, if you call me cute I will cut you even though I know half the time you'll still say it, idfc what gender you call me, yes I have one but I don't think it's necessary for you to know really nor will I ever correct you, I'm a bit of a geek, correction, I'm a hella geek, I'm japanese, call me a fucking weeaboo and I will litteraly slice you, dice you, and eat you as a motherfucking sushi roll, I'm edgy, I'm quiet, my grammar is amazing and then some days I just quit, I don't care about your social status and frankly it can fuck itself, my age doesn't matter, who the fuck cares anyway, have you noticed yet this is one giant fucking sentance, if you have, whooptyfuckingdoo, if not, oh well, I've just noticed while typing this but I refuse to change this. You are very fucking welcome.

And that, is who I am.


  • EntrouMay 12, 2016

Histórias de Semi-Active
De Stellis (STARWARS), de LemoniserXP
De Stellis (STARWARS)
Long ago in a galaxy far far away.... This needs updating as of now im too lazy. Go to concept2 it has spoile...
+mais 2
1 lista de leitura