I hate writing with a due date. I really sucks because I can't think of everything at once. My writing comes in sections, only a few sentences at a time. And after that, there so much editing that at the end it might be a completely different story. That along with the stress of it being graded and ranked, no thanks. In my class we have a 500 words or less micro-fiction assignment that's due on December 2nd. That seems like a long time, but it's really not. Oh, and by the 'ranked' thing, I mean my teacher will read them all, place some into a "No" box, the rest into a separate pile. He sets the pile of no's aside, and focuses on the other papers. He gets 3 finalists, and goes to three 'judges.' They work together to find the first, second and third paper.
And if you know anything about me, I'm determined as hell. I will not settle for being in the no box. That's why I'm so stressed. Wish me luck!