
The first few chapters if 'Heart On Ice' <A Jasper Hale Love Story> have been posted. Feel free to check it out and leave feedback. Constructive feedback is always welcomed and appreciated. It helps me in making my writing better. 
          	A big shout out to dominique_gov who graced ne with the opportunity to put this story concept to written page. Thank you for trusting me with your idea and I hope it has meet your expectations so far.


The first few chapters if 'Heart On Ice' <A Jasper Hale Love Story> have been posted. Feel free to check it out and leave feedback. Constructive feedback is always welcomed and appreciated. It helps me in making my writing better. 
          A big shout out to dominique_gov who graced ne with the opportunity to put this story concept to written page. Thank you for trusting me with your idea and I hope it has meet your expectations so far.


Hello fellow Wattpadians it's slightly odd posting messages because I have never done it before despite being apart of this sight for several years now.
          I wanted to post an update in regards to a story that I am currently working on. This particular story idea/concept comes from the wonderful and brilliant mind of our fellow Wattpad member @dominique_gvo. I was blessed with the opportunity to bring her 'Heart On Ice' A Jasper Hale Love Story to life. I am in the thick of writing the story and will be posting the stories description in a couple days as well as possibly a chapter or two of it.
          I look forward to posting what I have do far in the next couple days and I hope that everyone has a safe and wonderful day today.


Hey hun,
          Thank you so damn much for all the votes!
          It really means a lot, stay awesome ~♡


@Unicornasthenight you're welcome sweetie. And I'm honoured to be able to read such amazing writing and when I do I make sure to give praise and credit where it's due. I hope my writing one day will be as amazing as yours is. I've started on my sixth fan fiction story and once I've gotten enough of it written I'm going to post it to my wattpad.


@ LenaVozza  wow, I never expected that comment! I'm honoured to hear such words! You're to kind hun~♡xx


@Unicornasthenight you're welcome sweetie. I'm always excited to read new and incredible writing and voting on it.


Thank you so much for the follow, my love. x


That means a lot! Thank you. <3 x


@ohfrxnkie you're welcome. I am absolutely in love with your story and can't wait for the sequel. The writing is superb and kept me on the edge of my seat. And the moments of subtle but obvious hilariousness were fantastic.