
Hey everyone! How’s it going? Updates come slower (or faster depending on what I expect) as the next semester begins to start, but I’ll still keep you guys posted!
          	Regarding Gods Don’t Bleed, I’m still reviewing the chapters to fix or change anything. I’ll try to finish the rough draft soon, so I can get more feedback.
          	Otherwise, stay safe guys!
          	POC nation!


@Lenosaul hey I'm writing a book I would love for you to read it if possible if you can it's called. My Forever Valentine


You will love reading this... 
          The person reading this is kind and I'm proud of them. Now, you're on the clock. ❤❤❤in 9 minutes... Something will make you happy. Please share this with 15 people you love. If I don't get this back, I'm obviously not a close friend. Now, I have a game for you. It's been played since 1993. Once you read this, you have to send it to 15 people. Your next 5 days will be like this: 
          Day 1: you will wake up to the biggest shock of your life
          Day 2: You will cross paths with an old friend you've missed
          Day 3: you will find yourself with a lot of money
          Day 4: your day will be perfect
          Day 5: the person you like the most will spend lots of time with you
          If you don't forward this, your next 5 days will be the opposite. Don't break this!! 
          Send it to 15 friends in 10 minutes. It's not that hard... 
          Whoever sent this must care about you. Send this to good friends and family. No group chats


Hello author! I'm supporting everyone as I go and I hope you support me as well since I'm quite new here! I want you to read my work and please give me some advice. I want to become an author one day and hope to say that you helped me thru my journey. ☺️❤️


Hello fellow horror addict! 
          A lot of us always have a spooky tale to tell, whether it's something you've experienced personally or one of the bone chilling stories you have written yourself! 
          We would love to hear those stories and also share them with the rest of the world. In order to share your story with us, you just need to follow the two steps below:
          • Follow our Instagram page (@unnaturalbeingspodcast) and subscribe to our YouTube channel
          • Submit your story to our email or you can DM us, it's your choice! Along with the story title, your name and the country you are from (optional) 
          The video will feature 4 stories all chosen from the submissions from you guys! 


Hey everyone! How’s it going? Updates come slower (or faster depending on what I expect) as the next semester begins to start, but I’ll still keep you guys posted!
          Regarding Gods Don’t Bleed, I’m still reviewing the chapters to fix or change anything. I’ll try to finish the rough draft soon, so I can get more feedback.
          Otherwise, stay safe guys!
          POC nation!


@Lenosaul hey I'm writing a book I would love for you to read it if possible if you can it's called. My Forever Valentine