Thx for the follow I love wolves and it's awesome to have a follower who loves wolves too.
I totally get that. When I'm called these names i just try to remind myself that I'm not alone i shouldn't think I am because I'm not. And it can be hard to find people like us so i can be shy making new friends because i never know what kind of person they are. So it's just like oh man are they like me? Or are they gonna make fun of me? I can be rough I won't lie. It's even harder for me since I'm in high school now with some kids I knew who picked on me. I don't even have a boyfriend because of how I am. Guess you could say that I'm a lone wolf. But I do hope that you don't have to be alone because of that.
@Wolvesgirl156 No problem I'm glad i could help, I have been called names told i was a freak the whole 9 yards, I just got so tired of it, but I found there was people like me like my best friend and now you. Its nice because I can be myself and feel like I still matter and shouldlent be locked up and forgotten. But people like us have to remember that we are not alone and you never know when you will meet someone new who thinks the same as you do.
Wow thank you that's really sweet. And yes I've been through it too. I've been told I'm werid, people called me an animal, told me I should live in a zoo because of who i am. But you know what i else now i feel like i can be more myself knowing that there are people like me out there like you. So thank you.