Hi, i have been reading strange friends and i want to tell you it is the BEST book ever. I am a huge fan even though there are not so many chapters, i just re-read them, please update soon.
P.S i call Draco Malfoy, Barbie. Am i the only one
Sure! It's always nice to hear-or read- from someone who likes my story! I know I haven't updated recently, I've just been busy with school. And I procrastinate like a pro. I shouldn't brag about that. Anyway, I promise I'll try to update soon. (and maybe that will be Vi's new nickname for Dragon Boy ;) )
Hey, so I'm 90% certain you used to read ny fanfic The Murderes Daughter. As you may have noticed, I've removed that story. However, I have a new HP universe fanfiction uploaded called Midnight Talks and I will soon be uploading another HP fanfiction called Violet Eyes. It would mean a lot to me if you would check these out and give me your opinion.
~Kitty xx