
Sooooo, I'm super excited to post a new story! Plz check it out, It's gonna' be super fun, creative characters, and just something to keep me inspired.


I deeply apologize to my few readers. I have lost inspiration and after reading my story, I realize that I could have done so much better. First Forgotten is going to be delayed for who knows how long and might  be taken down for serious editing. My short stories will continue to be updated, just not my main story. Again, I’m sorry to anyone who was interested in this story and was looking forward to an update.


Did you just...follow me? I, a mortal, have been followed back by you? I am Shooketh


@LeoValdezTV It's  doing an irritating thing and not updating :(


About those updates......... they won’t be happenin’. I hate working from my phone and I have no computer for the summer. Sorry. I have all the ideas and all buuuuut... I’m lazy. For those who await more from The First Forgotten, the next  chapter doesn’t include Miles. Sorry, not sorry. I like to stretch out those cliffhangers.  Happy Summer!


I know that I have at least one person awaiting my next update in the The First Forgotten. Unfortunately, I’m still in school and a bit busy. Hang in there, I’ll do my best to get the chapter up! I appologoze in advance for the rest of my slow updates...


Recently, I've been collecting my favorite stories into my reading list. They're all Percy Jackson fanfictions. So if your a fan... Check it out! Only the best of the best, my FAVORITES of all times made it so they're obviously good.