
So. I've decided to take things a bit slower. This means, in my case, that I'm gonna be writing chapters until I get to an important turning point. But, I'm not gonna update those chapters until I get there. Guess y'all gonna be stuck for a bit on that whole Magnus and Alex thing that I have no idea what's leading towards.


So. I've decided to take things a bit slower. This means, in my case, that I'm gonna be writing chapters until I get to an important turning point. But, I'm not gonna update those chapters until I get there. Guess y'all gonna be stuck for a bit on that whole Magnus and Alex thing that I have no idea what's leading towards.


Ok, so late update because I didn't write, like at all this week. So, sorry about that... Anyway, you don't have to answer any more trivia questions, only for fun now! Though I do encourage it. Anyway, there will be only one new chapter today- Calypso. It may be done at about 6 or 6:30. Srry!


OKAY PEOPLE! So, should I start a new fan fiction (Still same fandom tho ofc!) or should I work harder to update 4 chapters on fridays? In the comments, say yes or no if I should start a new one and if you say yes, I will give more details if it is decided I do!


TBH tho, I rlly want to start a new one...