
 total for the last 365 days of unique readers who spent a minimum of 5 minutes on your story. Updated daily, the changes you see in this metric are due to the removal of the 366th day of historical data and the inclusion of yesterday’s data. Owing to the moving time window, Engaged Readers may increase, decrease, or remain static depending on the depth of readership on your story within the most recent year of data.   


 total for the last 365 days of unique readers who spent a minimum of 5 minutes on your story. Updated daily, the changes you see in this metric are due to the removal of the 366th day of historical data and the inclusion of yesterday’s data. Owing to the moving time window, Engaged Readers may increase, decrease, or remain static depending on the depth of readership on your story within the most recent year of data.   




 total for the last 365 days of unique readers who spent a minimum of 5 minutes on your story. Updated daily, the changes you see in this metric are due to the removal of the 366th day of historical data and the inclusion of yesterday’s data. Owing to the moving time window, Engaged Readers may increase, decrease, or remain static depending on the depth of readership on your story within the most recent year of data.   


@ LeoiseCganse   total for the last 365 days of unique readers who spent a minimum of 5 minutes on your story. Updated daily, the changes you see in this metric are due to the removal of the 366th day of historical data and the inclusion of yesterday’s data. Owing to the moving time window, Engaged Readers may increase, decrease, or remain static depending on the depth of readership on your story within the most recent year of data.   


@ LeoiseCganse   total for the last 365 days of unique readers who spent a minimum of 5 minutes on your story. Updated daily, the changes you see in this metric are due to the removal of the 366th day of historical data and the inclusion of yesterday’s data. Owing to the moving time window, Engaged Readers may increase, decrease, or remain static depending on the depth of readership on your story within the most recent year of data.   