I haven’t been in Wattpad lately and imma be honest I got kind of lazy. I hv been trying to push myself to update it but I’m not getting any motivation I’m sorry
@princesssarahkel I am almost finished with the new chapter. I just need a small part but the new chapter should be up sometime this week due to upcoming finals. Im so sorry for the delay but thank you so much for supporting me and I hope thst you enjoy the upcoming chapter like you did with the rest.
@princesssarahkel Im so so so so so sorry. I know I told you that I would try to update last weekend but I had unexpected things come up. I for real promise you I will update sometime during this week or on the weekend. You can take my word for it.
Can you please update your story I dont mean to pressure yoo ou it's just I have been waiting for you to update and it's now been three months since you last updated so please can you update soon?
@princesssarahkel Im so sorry that I havent updated in a while. I didnt even realize that it has been that long. I will try to release the next chapter tomorrow evening.