
Hi everyone! Just wanted to say how much I appreciate all of you. It's been a rough couple of weeks between work and family health, so I wasn't able to post my ten poems for "Sweet Words and Nothings." I'll be back on track shortly! Due to this, the weekly update will be on either Friday or Saturday depending on how my schedule works. 
          	I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween and stays safe! <3


Thank you for following me.   It looked like you were a Dr Who fan, and I am too, so I thought I'd say hello.  Are you based in the UK?


@InnerFyre Hiya! Sorry for answering this so late. Life, y'know? And I am a Dr. Who fan! Unfortunately, I'm in the US. I've been to the UK and adore the culture there.


Hi everyone! Just wanted to say how much I appreciate all of you. It's been a rough couple of weeks between work and family health, so I wasn't able to post my ten poems for "Sweet Words and Nothings." I'll be back on track shortly! Due to this, the weekly update will be on either Friday or Saturday depending on how my schedule works. 
          I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween and stays safe! <3


Hello! Welcome to Wattpad! I love your “about you” section! I’m a doctor who fan, who’s a Slytherin too!   Who was your first Doctor Who Doctor? Who’s your favorite doctor? I also love Spirited Away! Trying to decide on my next movie by him, any recc’s? 
          Also, thank you for adding Lightning Seeker to your reading list and for voting for the first chapter! I hope you like it! 


Tennant is awesome. You know he is amazing when he can pull of some of the strangest episodes. (Smith got a much better writing team. Just imagine what Tennant could have done with that!?!) 
            Howl's Moving Castle is on my list for sure! I finished watching Princess Mononoke recently. I really liked that. He does a great job of creating such dynamic and powerful female characters. 
            I am so glad you like the book. :) Can't wait to see what you think!


First Doctor I saw was Eccleston! But my favorite Doctor is Tennant. If you haven’t seen Howl’s Moving Castle yet, you should check it out next.  Miyazaki is such an amazing story teller.
            Thanks for writing the book! I can’t wait to get further in. 