
@AlexisIsabellaRose *laughs hard and picks you up* Well hi there beautiful!


Hi.  I'm Selina Vargas from Philippines, and I really loved your movie Titanic and it makes me cry whenever I watch it  I told my Mom that I do crush and idolized you since when I was highschool, and now I'm a college student taking up Bachelor in Science in Secondary Education.  My mom was laughing when I told her last month that I will treat you as my Father, uhmm. No! Kidding aside, but really, I will call you either Papa (Father) Jack or Papa Leo ☺  coz' I'm a Die-Hard-Fan of yours!  and I really wanted to see you in person.  Hope to see you soon!   I love you Papa Jack  Please beep me back as soon as possible  whenever or wherever you are, and if you received this message of mine  Thank you 


This isn't Leo...Sorry to tell you