Just some inspiration,
Someone once told me when I was at my weakest and had so many against me, words shouted at me, and people manipulating me, that I was strong. I was strong because even though I wanted to end it all and I cried so much, I was strong. I had the strength to keep going because I knew better things and people were coming my way. I lost people, I lost myself.
But those words helped me, they reminded me I had a life to live and nothing and no one will determine my happiness anymore. I am so much stronger than I was six months ago. I'm a much better, more carefree person than I used to be. I've grown and expressed myself.
All I have to say to those who are struggling, even if you don't think you're strong, looking the mirror, into your own eyes and remember you got yourself this far. Ignore those hatred words and evil people. Because everyone has a side they show to the public and a side they keep to themselves. Remember you are worth it and no one is worth your tears.
Stay strong my followers, just keep fighting the hard fight,
-Alex believes in you