
nice to see this account is still up, though it would get deleted since I don't even go on here, but hi


Hello again, I had finally updated my bio/status{???} mostly just going some information like what triggers me and pronouns and some other random stuff.


oh alrightly!


@CrissCross_the_Oreo hm, wait did you miss any of the symbols of my in my names like the ^s, /s, ?^ or something like those?


ah yes, after being like the dead for pretty much of the month and generally having no moviation, I have come back {for now, generally, I am like a bug, one second you see me and the next second you don't, then the next you find and vice versa!
          But anyway I should likely explain why I have been gone, tbh I was generally being a wimp in telling but generally like all people sometimes! I just lost motivation to write and have been busy getting into other fandoms and being creative with stuff and so forth!
          So again I'm sorry for being inactive, and I shall likely be but maybe since school is coming back in, I'll come back to doing this and roleplaying?
          Also about the old fanfics, like Curae Bitties {that is legit, the only one I can remember} is that I may work on thoughts even if I ain't really in the fandom anymore but  I shall try my best, but if I do get back into writing please know that I ain't really gonna be writing Undertale anymore since just generally ain't it anymore. {so the surprise was gonna be finally completing Curae Bitties}


@Hello_There41 mostly some of the others I had on my list like Hollow knight, Tatteltail, Mr. Hop's playhouse, and a few others, one I am falling out of is Fnaf but currently still in it, and I shall likely find more or fall out as I go on. {Also I can't remember what I had on my list, since I had put "I'm updating this" or something in my bio


What fandoms are you in right now?


Alright, school is finally over for me so I shall likely be getting more active! I have no clue, but anyway I am planning a few things on this account!
          -Make a book for my undertale fans, I don't know if it shall be multiverse or just regular undertale but I'll figure it out.
          -One actually non-fanfiction book, yep! this book kinda shall be my first, and I still have to do that one series but I'll get on it soon enough. Also, let me just say this book is gonna be dark, and I ain't just say just some dark humor, it's gonna get dark {one thing to expect, the detail of gore, yeah I am gonna get creative with the book since well I wanna explore my literature more on how I am to describe things such as setting and such}
          -The one and the only, a frogging warrior cats, this shall be the first non-undertale fanfic I do.
          -Finally, redo that FNAF book since that book is old, and I am finally gonna redo it.


or when you want to move the roleplay over to discord.


Oh forgot to add something, another trigger I found that I have is veins, so please for any roleplayers I am currently roleplaying with or in the future {though this may likely get buried though I don't know} 
            let's try to not go into the RP of veins or needles, please!
            Also, you're allowed to spam me on discord every 5 hours, which my user tag is /^Pluto_?Leroy^_ #8973 but only when I don't answer to a roleplay.


Here is another few things:
            -I am gonna try to respond more but do note if I don't respond fast enough or I stop responding for like 5+ hours or something either I'm asleep or I'm busy hanging around with family since I am trying to hang around family more. 
            -For the people, I roleplay with, please ping me if you want our roleplays to keep ongoing with the roleplay, also I am not gonna be doing sin mostly anymore, I may do it a few times but for most roleplays not anymore.


{Ok I had to delete this because I decided to change things up}
          Ok, so I am currently working on three discord servers and decided I will be posting two forms, so you can do one if you wanna join or help make the server. 
          I am not reposting the PokeCrypztion form for now since I am gonna be working alone on that one alone only with Cream and my sister for now.
          But for two others which one them is a discord server for a roleplay minecraft server, while the other is basically based off of animal lives.
          The Trials {Minecraft server}:
          Quick note I shall be posting the second form soon, since it's still in a work of progress.


so I'm feeling bored so here have a few storytimes.
          Once I was in seventh grade, in my 1st period which was Orchestra, we were all just doing class and stuff, and just chilling like villains having fun then something started outside apparently two girls got into a fight or something so our teacher ran out and I and my peers just waited to confuse on what was going on.
          Another story, which is maybe one of bad injures, so I was 6 to 8 or something, I was chilling at my grandparent's house with some other family members but I guess no one was bothered watching me or something, but I had climbed onto the stool then after a bit likely fell face-first onto the floor may be the stool, and I had managed to bust my lip I almost needed stitches so remember kids, do not climb stools.


What is it???


@Hello_There41 alrightly, also I am gonna ask something


Alright so I am gonna be doing something with this account, so for the most part this account was mostly undertale only, well expect for the start with my first fanfic- I still need to put that to let you guys see, and oh gosh how shall it be embarrassing as all heck for y'all to see it but hey I improved so yeah. 
          But now this account shall be Multi-fandom, so it gonna now be the account that has many fanfics about different fandoms instead of just Undertale, but I shall still do undertale.
          also prompts to many of my friends who were patient with me even though I kinda been inactive most of the time or you giving me good memories to think back on in, this being:
          @Hello_There41 {even though it's been awhile since we chatted, but you're still a good friend of mine even tho}
          @kittenlover444 {i'm very sorry, it's been 3 months and I didn't see the message, I'm so sorry}
          @NaJ-Stan (It's been a while since we chatted, and if you ever get this, I'm sorry I wasn't able to see your message, but farewell}
          And Boredkid on discord {For the life of me,  I cannot find your username on here, some reason you disappeared from my dms}
          and more, but those are a few since I do not feel like listing all of them. But anyway thank you for those times, now it's a new year, so happy new year to y'all I am late in saying this but anyway, I shall try to be more active since the last few months been just school for me most of the time. 


            It's nothing, I'll always wait for ya!


So I had put Palter Devise on hiatus for now, but I was also looking through games I use to play when I was younger, and that reminded me of the first story  I made on here, would you guys actually like to see my first story ever on this website and first fanfiction in the fnaf community.
          oh boy! If y'all want me to actually edit it and leave it up I shall.