
Removing a couple of short stories from my collection for the time being since they are in publisher acceptance hell.  Good news though, one of them is a finalist in a contest.


Tried to make a collection of short stories.  Didn't work out like I planned.


@LesAbernathy They used to allow you to have something like 100 tags, and vary them from "part" to part, but no longer, alas.


@CarolinaC I tired to collection some short stories in a single volume, but it wouldn't let me do things like having separate tags for each story.  I guess I can only post them as single entries if I want to do stuff like that.  The reason being is because my book is on hold while I work on a new short story idea that has been chewing on my brain.  Wanted to put them all under one banner like Dangerous Visions or something.


What happened?


My new job and some summer projects (like painting the outside of my house), has pulled me away from my writing somewhat.  Things have slowed down enough now that I've started putting some more time into my novel, which has made me super happy.  I'm currently working on the first draft of Chapter 9 but have hit a snag.  At first I was writing it as if a character was verbally explaining backstory stuff, but decided it might be better to write it out as a type of flashback.  Based on some advice I thought it showing would be better than telling.  Anyone out there curious as to see both versions?


A new chapter of my novel-in-progress is up and ready of criticism.  I was actually thrilled to finish this one because the end of it is where things finally start hitting the fan.  Feel free to read, analyze, and love and/or hate (probably hate).