
So I haven't been on wattpad in a while because my tablet was broken for like a month or two, and when I got on, my notification box said 99+ !!!! Haha! Holy shiz man!!!!


please read my story click on my name please


@little_brianna haha, I don't know many people, but sure thing. :)


@Lesbian_Larry  tell every one about it okay


wait... stupid question are you really lesbian or no... its a long story why im asking and dont wanma ecplain :p


@itookyourdoritos Literally same. It was my junior prom and themed as a masquerade, so I got a suit and a black mask. It was pretty amazing. There are times where I will wear a dress if I need to, but I'm certainly NOT a fan. Haha!!! I went and volunteered to help with this thing called the festival of trees and they said girls were required to wear a dress or skirt and I practically begged for them to let me wear dress pants but it wasn't allowed. Apparently there was a girl who volunteered and wore dress pants and they told her to change to a skirt or leave, so she left. Fuckk gender rules. -_-


@Lesbian_Larry lol xD well, Im a freshman, I didn't go to prom yet obviously... but i HATE dresses. i hate dresses more than I hate Justin Bieber, and thats saying something!!