I was just looking through your works (I found your book Curvy Mate and I have been really traumatized lately by books that finish to quickly, unfinished books, then books that have the second book unfinished. So I was checking to make sure I wouldn't be heart broken by another unfinished book) and I noticed that you have a book that caters to people who are overweight and people who are underweight. I want to say thank you. I can tell from the book intro that you are a very good writer and it meams so much to me that you would make a book for both sides of the weight spectrum. I myself struggle with being REALLY overweight (PCOS really stinks if you don't know you have it till you are 250 lbs in) but I have friends who have talked to me about thier struggles with trying to gain weight and about how people will call them anorexic or tell them they are to skinny and need "meat on their bones". Almost everyone knows the struggle with people who are overweight but more often then not people can't seem to understand that people can hate themselves for not having enough weight as well. In a lot of books I have read with curvy women being the headliner always seem to have the bad guy being hot popular female/males that are skinny blond and mean. This is completely random but how cool would it be to have a curvy heroine and a curvy nemesis? Anyway. Thank you for being amazing and awesome.