Hii so there is a site that has been stealing books off of wattpad and i found yours. please report and get others to report this website in anyway possible. me and a couple of others are trying to figure out a way to shut it down but we need all the help we can get. thank you!! https://novelhd.com/truyen/71646445/?_gl=1*vg763b*_ga*czZFUDZMZ2tDZE9wSWxSajhEZ09JRjRiWmtCU0Zrcmd1azdyRUxhLVZzX2dzYzlucVZFVVktOGF5TmtNR1RvRQ..

Oh wow! Glad I had already taken down a lot of chapters. Thankfully, this version of my novel is unedited.