
A Monster In The Shadows is finally done~! Thank you to everyone who read it. I am going to start writing my personal story this week, so look out for that! I will be putting song suggestions in there so you can listen to music while reading my story. They will all be songs that I listen to or songs that were played during the real relationship. There will be a VERY SERIOUS WARNING at the beginning of the story and an important message at the end. Please don't skip over them. I'm writing this to help bring awareness to what bad relationships are and what they can do to somebody so that other people can also avoid them and also to help me let go of this whole thing. I am debating on whether or not to change the names of characters since I dont know if the actual person who I dated would read it. Well, either way he would probably be able to tell it was him. I may just change the names of the friends in the story to protect them. I'm far away from him, so he wont be able to harm me, but I dont know what he would do to the friends. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the end of the Monster In The Shadows story! 


A Monster In The Shadows is finally done~! Thank you to everyone who read it. I am going to start writing my personal story this week, so look out for that! I will be putting song suggestions in there so you can listen to music while reading my story. They will all be songs that I listen to or songs that were played during the real relationship. There will be a VERY SERIOUS WARNING at the beginning of the story and an important message at the end. Please don't skip over them. I'm writing this to help bring awareness to what bad relationships are and what they can do to somebody so that other people can also avoid them and also to help me let go of this whole thing. I am debating on whether or not to change the names of characters since I dont know if the actual person who I dated would read it. Well, either way he would probably be able to tell it was him. I may just change the names of the friends in the story to protect them. I'm far away from him, so he wont be able to harm me, but I dont know what he would do to the friends. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the end of the Monster In The Shadows story! 


Readers~! The last parts of the Hyunjin fanfic are being posted today!! After the story is done, I will start writing the next story based off of my own experience of an emotionally abusive boyfriend and how that kind of thing can effect somebody's life. It is completely based off of my own experience and thoughts, so its not how everyone's story is. A little background to the story is that I had been dealing with depression for a year before the beginning of the story and nobody in my home knew about it. Very few people knew about it too, so I was already struggling with some hard things at that moment. Anyway, stick around for that story if you want to! Love you all ❤