
Hey guys I need help from you guys! I have a new story I'm writing. This story will be posted once I catch up with updates that I need to do. Anyway I know there are some AMAZING book cover makers out there. And I was wondering if ANYONE of you guys are willing to help.If ANYONE is willing to help here's what I need and what the story's about.
          	Title: Unchosen
          	Quote on cover: Not everything is set in stone
          	Author: (Duh it's me) K.a.t 98
          	What I need on the cover: Kristen Stewart (My main female character), Matt Bomer (One of my male lead character), Chris Hemsworth (My other male lead character)
          	Description of story: After the war of the vampire and werewolves started due to petty rivalry on who's stronger. There will be a girl ( Kristen Stewart) who will bring the two princes of the vampire and werewolf kingdoms (Matt Bomer aka the vampire prince) (Chris Hemsworth aka the werewolf prince.) This girl will bring the two nations together as one but tear them apart as two.
          	Also guys this book is NOT a Fan fiction. It is my own idea. 
          	Msg me if you are interested in helping me.  
          	Please please please please I NEED help!!!!!! 
