
CHAPTER THIRTY OUT!!! Also we hit 2.2k reads on imperfect for you and I’m so thankful for each and every one of you!! 


Hey, how are you?
          I don't want to bother you or anything, I just came to recommend my Anakin Skywalker book <3
          If you like the Star Wars universe and stories of romance, mystery and action, I think you might like it!
          May the Force be with you <3


Oh thank you! I’m always looking for another Anakin fic!


Hey! I saw that you liked Star Wars and thought you might be interested in reading my Anakin Skywalker Fanfiction. If not, I totally understand and you can delete this off your board. 
          Let’s pray the link works… if it doesn’t, the book is on my page!


No I love any recommendations and the support of other authors! Thank you! And ofc I will give it a read! 


Merry Christmas everyone! IMPFY readers I wanted to give you a nice little Christmas gift so I published five chapters today instead of one! So the chapters marked with presents are my gift to you guys!! Thank you for reading my books this past year I love you all so much!!


Back in my TUA phase as I’m waiting for season 4 to come out and I just realised that we’re all kinda hypocrites for being disgusted at Allison and Luther for committing Incest when most of us made y/n and Five siblings that also fall in love… kms