
this message may be offensive
Love how someone tried to cancel me just by reading my message board like bitch you don't know me based on the shit I say on here, this is my venting space if you don't like it then move on, I'm not like normal people.
          	I'm gonna say disturbing shit and you can't do anything  about it, I'm not like the normal people who take baths to cool down or have a breath. My mind works differently it causes me to say blunt things and easily become angered, I'm pissed off right now because of the shit my sister says sometimes but I get over it
          	I'm like any other kid (not really) I'll get over it and act silly or playful I still love my siblings dude so hope off my dick


this message may be offensive
Love how someone tried to cancel me just by reading my message board like bitch you don't know me based on the shit I say on here, this is my venting space if you don't like it then move on, I'm not like normal people.
          I'm gonna say disturbing shit and you can't do anything  about it, I'm not like the normal people who take baths to cool down or have a breath. My mind works differently it causes me to say blunt things and easily become angered, I'm pissed off right now because of the shit my sister says sometimes but I get over it
          I'm like any other kid (not really) I'll get over it and act silly or playful I still love my siblings dude so hope off my dick


ATP I don't feel happy I'm trying to make FREE crochet gifts but my grandma criticizes every small detail ending with me regretting the design..like am I not allowed to design it the way I want? It's my bag not yours, you're not the one making it plus it's for my mom ÑOT YOU.
          I know she's trying to be helpful but she's making my mood drop like bro can you just support my ideas? Once it's done though I know she'll change her mind.
          (I hope..)


Generally hate my life :)


OMG I WOKE UP TO THE WORST PAIN EVER my stomach and pelvic floor is being squeezed every couple of seconds it hurts so bad as if I'm a piece of orange being squeezed into juice hello??? Am I dying??? I keep thinking it's something bad 


I’m learning crochet and I need help so maybe you can teach me? You don’t have to but you can if u wanna start talking to me again


My shoulder hurts from it tho


@Lethal_Blu I just gave up and went to diamond art my family was having a hard time with is so yeeeahh 


@XxM1lk_T3axX oh I see, you're having trouble with it? If there's a day you wanna call and share cameras I'd be more than happy to teach you live. If you're comfortable with it ofc then sure! Crochet can be fun once you get the hang of it


I mention emancipation to my grandma she starts yapping about "running away as a child to start your own life"
          IM TALKING ABOUT LEGALLY...TF???? In Texas it's illegal to run away from home and she argued saying it's legal just because she did it back in her day...things have changed ma'am...I'm just trying to explain what emancipation teaches to young teens about their finances/responsibility and it's legal for them to no longer be with the parents


Um sorry for being clueless and not knowing straight away ig?? I'll try to be more attentive even though I fail at it sometimes because I can only focus on 1 thing
          sigh there's a chat box for a reason


Im such an idiot


Sorry..- I will try to be better I’m sorry I really am I didn’t mean to make you mad sorry