
Update on TFR:
          	I'm sorry to say I have neither the time nor the motivation to find everything, so I will be taking down both TFR and TFR 2. I'm sad to see them go but I thank you all very much for the votes and comments. 
          	I also will not be active on Wattpad very much in the future. I might drop in every once in a while but until I have something to say or post, you won't hear from or see me on here. I am, however, active on DeviantArt (Starsabermicron) and Instagram (art_of_the_tiger) if you wish to check out my work there. Please don't dm/pm me though, I will not answer. 
          	Blessings on you all <3


Update on TFR:
          I'm sorry to say I have neither the time nor the motivation to find everything, so I will be taking down both TFR and TFR 2. I'm sad to see them go but I thank you all very much for the votes and comments. 
          I also will not be active on Wattpad very much in the future. I might drop in every once in a while but until I have something to say or post, you won't hear from or see me on here. I am, however, active on DeviantArt (Starsabermicron) and Instagram (art_of_the_tiger) if you wish to check out my work there. Please don't dm/pm me though, I will not answer. 
          Blessings on you all <3


I'm going to the Throat of the World to listen to Paarthurnax talk.
          Hope you're having a good day!


@Lethasa lol that's fine! I've only taken my practice tests so far but I'm all nerves.
            I love listening to Paarthurnax, he's awesome.


@Seal-Warden so sorry I didn't see your message until now. Thank you for thinking of me! I failed my road test today but I'm gonna reschedule and practice a ton.
            Hope you enjoyed listening to Parthurnax! He's got a very soothing voice I think.


This: “Me: *waking up tired* 
          'I've got to start going to bed earlier'
          Also me: *working on something at 1 in the morning* 
          'Welp there goes that resolution'”
          This is so relatable! At least I’m not the only one :)


@Lethasa I totally agree! I’ve got to push my bedtime routine earlier— Thank you for the advice :)


@AShruinger far from it! Sometimes even going to bed early doesn't help bc your brain is still churning out information. 
            Try to get into the habit of doing your bedtime routine early. That way when you're tired, you can just go lie down bc everything's already done 


 The world is already dark enough. Turn your light on and let it shine. Carry it everywhere you go. Be the good you want to see. Treat people the way you want them to treat you. 
          Be patient with everyone. You have no idea what they're going through, what they know, how they process things, etc. 
          Always choose to be kind. It opens more doors and ends more arguments than responding hatefully or demeaningly. 
          Listen to dissenting thoughts, ideas, beliefs, etc. You don't have to agree with them or embrace them. But if you squash them, silence them, belittle them, etc., few people will be willing to listen to yours.
          Be polite! If someone is bashing, respond politely. Ask them what's going on. Chances are, they're going through something. Everyone goes through stuff. Offer sympathy and empathy. Offer to help if you can, or even pray.
          Be the light. If you can't shine all the time, that's okay. Take time to tend your light. Don't lash out. Take some deep breaths. Go somewhere quiet if you need to. Listen to some music. Recharge. When you're ready, go shine that light again.
          You can stand up for yourself, but don't put others down in doing so. Use clever kindness. Baffle them instead of cutting them down; they might learn more from it.
          Speak out against injustice, but don't support or condone hurting people for your cause. 'An eye for an eye makes everyone blind'.
          Now go be lovely people ❤️


I'm not dead. I just got distracted.
          For many, many months. 
          JK TS is on hold. I poke at it every now and then.
          The Elements is a semi-new story I'm also poking at. It's connected to JK TS, but it follows the stories of six characters (ocs) who came together to form the Elements.
          As for TFR, I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with that. My hyper interest in Transformers is starting to wane as I branch out into other things, but I still enjoy quality Transformers ridiculousness. We'll see.
          So in conclusion: not dead, sort of working on stories, drawing stuff, going to church, working a job, and kicking it up at Tae Kwon Do. I'll probably pop in every few months to see what's new. 
          Cheers ✌️


Love your description. 


@Lethasa honest is always the best thing to be.


@Seal-Warden thank you, I strive to be honest 


Reaction? >^<


Considering my motto is 'never run unless there's an emergency or you're late and you forgot something', no, no I did not.


What ya didn't see that coming? *Fingerguns*