
More ranting:
          	I have been on Wattpad for years both as a reader and a writer. I understand that writers want recognition for there works but this isn’t the way. I would be happier throwing my money into a fire than to support this program. They are not warning readers in the description that 5 chapters into a book there will be a paywall. Nor are they creating a pay to read separate section for these writer. It feels like a cheap trick and is disheartening that the writers would stoop so low. 
          	If a donation system was available for free books for everyone that was fair I would be happy to give them support but this is uncalled for.
          	Not only are they asking for people to pay but they are charging book store prices, if I wanted to pay for a book I would go to Amazon and get a polished professionally edited book with an audio option. These writer who signed up for this program are feeding into elitist ideals. If you want to publish a book officially do it but don’t have a Wattpad account. 
          	Most of the people on this app don’t have the funds nor means to pay for nor access books outside of Wattpad and other free programs. This classism will separate our community into rich and poor and will make kids steal money from there parents just to read books that were previously free. Wattpad was not only a book source but a safe space and they are ripping it away. 
          	Its disappointing that they couldn’t find a way to help their writers while also keeping the integrity of the app.
          	To all reading this. This is the beginning of the end of free content. Youtube did it, hulu did it, now Wattpad. So basically if you are poor or young sorry but they don’t care about you.


More ranting:
          I have been on Wattpad for years both as a reader and a writer. I understand that writers want recognition for there works but this isn’t the way. I would be happier throwing my money into a fire than to support this program. They are not warning readers in the description that 5 chapters into a book there will be a paywall. Nor are they creating a pay to read separate section for these writer. It feels like a cheap trick and is disheartening that the writers would stoop so low. 
          If a donation system was available for free books for everyone that was fair I would be happy to give them support but this is uncalled for.
          Not only are they asking for people to pay but they are charging book store prices, if I wanted to pay for a book I would go to Amazon and get a polished professionally edited book with an audio option. These writer who signed up for this program are feeding into elitist ideals. If you want to publish a book officially do it but don’t have a Wattpad account. 
          Most of the people on this app don’t have the funds nor means to pay for nor access books outside of Wattpad and other free programs. This classism will separate our community into rich and poor and will make kids steal money from there parents just to read books that were previously free. Wattpad was not only a book source but a safe space and they are ripping it away. 
          Its disappointing that they couldn’t find a way to help their writers while also keeping the integrity of the app.
          To all reading this. This is the beginning of the end of free content. Youtube did it, hulu did it, now Wattpad. So basically if you are poor or young sorry but they don’t care about you.


So where do I even start?
          ARE YOU SERIOUS.
          This is the beginning of the end for wattpad readers. They are alienating there core user base with paywall and coins. Not only do they want these mostly young people to pay upwards of $7 for these books but they are peddling it was this great new idea.
          The first thing they say when you tell them that this is a bad idea is that there are “hundreds of millions of other books that are free on Wattpad.” Only problem is that if this whole beta program succeeds then they will do more and more and more until this app is no longer free and is just another book store. They will probably even charge people write their books for “priority” views. This is just beginning of the end I’m telling you guys it is over. What wattpad and the writers who participate in this program don’t get is it’s the principle of the matter, it’s not how many books are in the charged program, it’s about the fact that we don’t want to see degrading coin systems on our front pages when we open our app and that we don’t want to see that something cost money to read when all we want to do is escape this horrible greed filled world. 
          More rant to come....


So I leave Wattpad for a few months and come back and now they are putting pay walls behind chapters? 
          Personal opinion: I’m happy for the authors but what bugs me is that they don’t even warn you if a book is pay to read so I was just bored decided to check out a book and 5 chapters in BOOM paywall. No warning. I’d much rather have a disclaimer  about pay to read in the description so I don’t get wrapped up in a book that I have no intention to pay for.  I would much rather donate to an author who has free content than pay into a program that totally abandons that whole point of Wattpad in the first place.


Hi guys its been a while (inner monologue; “more like a year BITCH”) but well I just wanted to say hi to all my followers. How are you? I’d really like to know. 
          I’m always coming up with knew ideas for books (seriously l’ve got like 40 different story plots in my note on my phone rn) but i always have a have a hard time finishing my stories. So I’ve come up with an idea I’ll publish a ‘Story ideas’ “book” and maybe if you like the idea you can have it  for your page(but let me know cause I’d love to read it and also credit me for the concept plz) and/or we can collab/brain storm  some of my story’s together in the comments, so i don’t have to come out with the whole story alone. (And i’ll credit you).
          Its a weird idea, I know but it could be fun... i think. 
          The reason I’m offering up this idea is cause I:
          A: have severe writers block. 
          B: am part of a religious house hold so having them give input is a no go. And i am some how always going thru irl family drama, so this would be fun. (Still love my fam though)
          C: would love to see what crazy ideas we could come up with together.
          What do you think?
          (P.s. Sorry for typos)  


Hi I’ve decided to stop writing. If anyone wants to continue my books they are welcome to. I’ve had a hard few months and I just don’t feel like writing anyone. So thanks for following me and goodbye. 


Hey I’m so sorry, I freaked out a few days ago, I was pretty suicidal. Thank you so much for your comment. I’ve been kinda in my own head lately and I just lost it. But my fam has been really great the last few days and I’m not feeling so hopeless anymore at least for now. I was going to delete my account altogether then I saw your comment and changed my mind. I’ll try and get back to my story’s after I feel a little better and  thanks for the encouragement I really needed it. 


So..... I tried a chat line for the first time in my life. First got attacked by bots for 10 minutes then I met a really sweet kid but the line died before we could swap info then I I got 10 more minutes of bots only to have the next person demand my age without even saying hi and tell me to hurry up and type. The next one was some Indian person who is in "Canada" but only knew how to say OK after everything I said, next was another 20 minutes of bots so I switched websites. The first person I got on the next website was a 14-year-old kid demanding nudes eww. Then a bunch of perverts, and finally a guy who was decent enough that we actually start having a conversation then I gave him my second phone number not my main one but a phone number I use for people I don't want knowing my real one. He was OK on the app but soon as we got onto texting he started getting super flirty, I was cool,  I was fine, it's OK I sent him one picture of my face but I wanted to talk about other things but soon as I change the subject to something that I was interested in he stop texting me WTF, I hate people!!!


@LetoPleiades Those creatures were not people. Try to find a chat line that is based in your city. That way you can find out if they are being truthful. Also later, you can arrange to meet them in a public place where you can decide if you really want to meet them. Thanx for following