Alright so remember how I said I was just on a hiatus,,, yeah its been two years.
Anywho- I really just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my very shitty stories. I wrote them as a coping mechanism ages ago (when I was 14-17 i wanna say; I'm 19 now) so I know they dont reflect the writer I am today. Regardless of that fact this profile really to me is a memorial of the girl I used to be, the way i wrote and tried to make a name for myself. I'm thinking about rewriting some of my old fics but I'm not too sure ill ever have the time too.
Either way I will forever have this account up and available for everyone to view (as much as it pains me) but I'm not sure if ill keep posting or if I ever will. Either way thank you for reading and stay brilliant my lovelies. <3 Much love~