
Alright so remember how I said I was just on a hiatus,,, yeah its been two years. 
          	Anywho- I really just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my very shitty stories. I wrote them as a coping mechanism ages ago (when I was 14-17 i wanna say; I'm 19 now) so I know they dont reflect the writer I am today. Regardless of that fact this profile really to me is a memorial of the girl I used to be, the way i wrote and tried to make a name for myself. I'm thinking about rewriting some of my old fics but I'm not too sure ill ever have the time too.   
          	Either way I will forever have this account up and available for everyone to view (as much as it pains me) but I'm not sure if ill keep posting or if I ever will. Either way thank you for reading and stay brilliant my lovelies. <3 Much love~


Alright so remember how I said I was just on a hiatus,,, yeah its been two years. 
          Anywho- I really just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my very shitty stories. I wrote them as a coping mechanism ages ago (when I was 14-17 i wanna say; I'm 19 now) so I know they dont reflect the writer I am today. Regardless of that fact this profile really to me is a memorial of the girl I used to be, the way i wrote and tried to make a name for myself. I'm thinking about rewriting some of my old fics but I'm not too sure ill ever have the time too.   
          Either way I will forever have this account up and available for everyone to view (as much as it pains me) but I'm not sure if ill keep posting or if I ever will. Either way thank you for reading and stay brilliant my lovelies. <3 Much love~


Hey I’m not sure if you still do fan fiction but I’ve been looking for a certain illidan stormrage fic and I believe it was yours I’m just wondering if it will make a reappearance? Lol 


Hell yeah man! Your fic is certainly one of the best ones I have found!!


@Leto_Svec I republished it along with the remaining missing chapters, I hope you enjoy ^^!


@wolfgirl0121 oh lord I haven't touched this account in ages. I unpublished my Illidan fic mainly cause not a lot of people were into it and I dont even think i finished publishing it. But give me like a day and ill republish it and finish posting the rest of the chapters ! (But do forgive me I wrote it a few years ago and it does not reflect the author I am today lmao)


Hello everyone ! Wow my first and probably only message on here. I just want to let everyone know that I’m taking a bit of a hiatus. I’m not publishing a whole lot anymore but your more than welcome to read my completed works. I’m mainly known for my fan fiction but i was working on something original awhile back, if i ever get the motivation maybe ill publish it. Anyways this is a message for all the new followers! I’m so glad you followed and thank you so much from the bottom of my heart! Please stick around for my inevitable return to Wattpad where i will probably post more fan fiction for y’all. 
          -lots of love for everyone                              