
          	Hey guys! I've uploaded the 2nd chapter of Femme Fatale, please check it out if you like BTS! Don't forget to vote and comment, I hope you all like it <3


@Lets_fly Please update Royal Pain.


          Hey guys! I've uploaded the prologue of Addiction after like 9809544 years lmao sorry for such a long delay, if any of y'all are still here, please go check it out and don't forget to vote and comment, love you all xx


          Hey guys! I've finally uploaded the newest chapter of Royal Pain - Chapter 56 | The Record Deal! Please go check it out, and dont forget to comment and vote! I hope you all like it <3


          Hey guys! Okay so first off, I'm super duper excited to share with you.. a NEW FAN FIC! I've been a huge fan of BTS since 2015 and I know alot of you on here love BTS just like I do, so I've decided to publish a fanfic with BTS as the main characters! So its called ...*drumroll*... 'Femme Fatale'! And I've published the description, please check it out! I'm so excited to start writing this book. <3
          I hope you guys show your love on this book, so dont forgot to vote and comment! 
          Love you all x


Hey guys, I'm alive! Been pretty busy life and I'm almost done with uni! (yay) and I'll be starting work next year. I've been wanting to get back on here and start writing again and good news is, I've already started to write the next chapter of Royal Pain, but I'm not really sure as to when I'll be able to finish the chapter and upload it, so keep your eyes peeled open, I may drop it anytime ;) I've been writing this book for 5 years jeez, I really need to finish it and stop the slacking XD
          Feels good to be back <3 And if any of you are still out there supporting my work and stuck by my side, thankyou so much. <3
          See you all soon x


@ishana_346 Thankyou so much <3


@Lets_fly  So Glad your back ! Love Royal Pain can't wait for the next chapter !


Hey guys, its been a long time!
          I know I've been MIA for a long time, and it's because I've been so busy with university and life in general. I haven't updated any of my books in such a long time and it upsets me that I havent been able to make time to write. Life has been so draining and I've been busy with so much work and it's only going to get worse. I'm so sorry for not being able to update for you guys and I've been getting messages  to update for so long. I'm so sorry you guys, but I really don't know when I'll be able to update next. I hope I get to find time to sit down and write down a whole chapter because I have to start working towards getting a job and I don't think I'll be able to write for sometime now. Thankyou for supporting me for 7 years and wattpad has made me what I am today. I'm so sorry for leaving the books incomplete but I promise you I'll be back someday to complete them, please dont give up on them. Thankyou so much for loving my writing and being a part of my journey. See you all soon x