
Hi guys, I'm back! I've been on hiatus for a while now, and I'm happy to share with you all the next chapter. It won't be up for another couple of weeks, or so; but, I may surprise you all by posting it early. To all the new followers, HELLO LOVELIES, your lovely comments, votes and reads are so very much appreciated! For now, I hope you're all enjoying the stories within the FM community. And I hope to update you guys, soon. Xxxxx


Hi guys, I'm back! I've been on hiatus for a while now, and I'm happy to share with you all the next chapter. It won't be up for another couple of weeks, or so; but, I may surprise you all by posting it early. To all the new followers, HELLO LOVELIES, your lovely comments, votes and reads are so very much appreciated! For now, I hope you're all enjoying the stories within the FM community. And I hope to update you guys, soon. Xxxxx


I'm sorry with the delay of posting the next chapter. I've just been re-tracing my steps with the entire storyline, making sure I haven't missed anything, and that the 'BIG REVEAL'- is sort of interwoven with all the hints and details I've left for you guys, in each chapter. I want to make sure that this is also written to a certain standard, a standard in which I'm confident and happy with presenting to you guys. After all this story is ' for you'. So, it will be up, very soon! I appreciate your patience, your compliments, votes, reads...etc. Everything, you guys are rock stars!  Xxxxx


Been very busy lately, but also been taking my time, in writing this next update. Feel like the writing is more fluid and polished when I'm not too rushed, and given time. Hahahahaha! Definitely excited to get this chapter up for you guys. This one ought to answer a 'question' or two. Have you guys got any suspicions as to what may be in store? 
          Enjoy my lovelies! Should be up by early next week, or maybe sooner. Xxxx


The next chapter (aka Christmas one) will be up today! So sorry it's been late! But...I did something a little different with a flashback. And I really wanted to make sure I made it in a certain way. Thank you for being patient, and reading lovelies! Xxx


Okay...So my Christmas festivities went on a little longer, than I had planned.  
          The Christmas chapter, will be up in the next couple of days. I apologize, I didn't post it sooner. Hope you all enjoyed your Christmas, and are having a great break! Xxxxxx


The next update will be up in a few hours! I like to take my time in writing, so it's all fluid and well narrated. So I'm just using his extra amount of time to really neaten it up, even though it's kinda rushed. But I made a promise, and I'm keeping it! 
          Then you lucky lovelies, will be getting a chapter, 24 hours after... That should hold you until New Years. You all okay with this? Xxxxx I hope so! Phew! Xxxxxx