Chapter 2 of Different is up if you wanna go check that out, that would be amazing. And has anyone listened to Jenissi's new album True Be Honest?? Like yuzzz bae it's Amazing.
Chapter 2 of Different is up if you wanna go check that out, that would be amazing. And has anyone listened to Jenissi's new album True Be Honest?? Like yuzzz bae it's Amazing.
Just started a new book called Different it would mean allot of y'all checked it out. Also I deleted the other book I was writing because I didn't like how it was going.
I'm Crying rn cause I just realised that some people I followed a long time ago like kpop and I never realised cause I just got into kpop this year:'))
Hey!!!!!! Can you pls check out my Book 'Playing the Ice Queen' and comment and vote on it if you want to. Thanks!!!! I am looking forward to reading your comment. Have a nice day
Heyy!! I just updated Millionaire Vs. Millionaire [H. S.] •English• and I was wondering if you could vote and comment for it :))
you don't have to do it if you don't want to and btw I will return the favor :))
thx :)
all the love -mycherries47 ❤❤