
So much for that chapter release, life has been far busier than I expected! 
          	Will try and release a chapter in the next few weeks! 


Happy new year guys! May this year be full of blessings for you all  
          Hope you all had a lovely Christmas if you celebrate it, and if not, I hope you had a lovely time off. Wishing happiness for you all, and for myself also. 
          This year I may be a bit slower with writing as I’ll be moving house soon and, whatever this year wishes to bless me with. 
          Take care all and treat yourself with love. 
          Until next time, 
          Levi-Summer ✌️


Hey hey beautiful readers!
          Newest chapter is out! Apologies for the delays! With the wedding and honeymoon, and then getting back into the groove of work, I’m slowly able to start writing again! 
          I hope you enjoy it just as much as I enjoyed writing it, this chapter is a tear jerker 
          Until next time!
          Levi-Summer ✌️


I’m back from my honeymoon and let me tell you something, I’m knackered but had the best time with my husband!
          I’ll not be able to write for the next month or so, but I’ll try where possible. 
          Thanks all for letting my story hit 1k reads!  
          Until next time,
          Levi-Summer ✌️