
Hello all, I know that the recent chapter was a bit late, but things happen sometimes and I got behind. Sorry for the inconvenience, I hope you all enjoy ☺️


Hello all, as of now the first chapter of Chronica 1.2: Ordainment has been released. Seeing as it is a direct sequel to Coalesence, you'll need to read the first book before moving on, and Coalesence can be found as the only other work on my page. I believe that I'll be releasing a chapter every two weeks on Sunday seeing as they are somewhat dense and lengthy in comparison to the first. Other than that, happy reading and have a great day!


Hello all, as of now a part two of my first work, Coalesence, is in the works and the first chapter will be published soon. This being said, I've also finally decided on a name for my series as a whole: Chronica. In the next week, Coalesence should be restructured to fit the Chronica format, as will the cover art for the second book. Thank you all for tuning in, and I hope that I can enthrall you all with another story 


Alright, with that, the last story part has been scheduled. The final chapter and Epilogue are set to release on March 2nd 2024. I do genuinely hope that in the coming weeks those who have been reading keep up and those who are interested can catch up. It's been an amazing couple of months beginning to post on here, and finally having my full work scheduled to release is exhilarating. I hope you all enjoy, and thank you kindly :)